Friday, June 29, 2012

Where I come from

The other night we did dinner and dessert in the backyard around the fire. We stayed outside (it was a surprisingly enjoyable night, not swassy hot!) and talked and talked. At one point the conversation turned to how awesome I think my grandparents are. And I how I hope to be like my Grandma Young if I live as long as she has. Photobucket 
She's such a great example of hard work and service. She and Grandpa (he's great too) have served two missions together, she volunteers at the hospital, she works in the temple, they have an awesome garden, she almost always has a quilt up that she's working on to give to one of her many grandkids, and she shovels the snow in the winter, among other things. 
I'm so proud of my family heritage and so grateful for the wonderful people I have to look up to and model my life after. And I can't wait for the Young Reunion in July!!!! and so sad to be missing the Stolworthy reunion this saturday :(  [ i'm at girls camp right now, remember?]

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

{Wordless Wednesday}

I'm off to girls camp this morning! (As a leader...strange...)

I'm going to miss this face. So sad he can't come!
Why must he be soo handsome!?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

{Tipful Tuesday}

When you visit the Statue of Liberty, don't climb on anything. 
I got off with a warning, but's a federal offense and I should have been arrested! Who knew?
This morning, I was looking for a photo through some files on the computer and I came upon this one. Not at all what I was looking for, but it's one of my favorites from this high school choir trip.
April 2007
And since I put up this photo, I tracked down these ones as well... Photobucket Caught in the act! Photobucket 
I wish I had a picture of the officer talking to me afterwards. haha!

Also, these photos depict my natural hair color. After returning home from this trip, we spent the rest of our spring break that year in Utah. I had my cousin highlight my hair for the first time everrrr. It was so exciting!  

Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Lovin'. First Date.

After driving lessons, basketball games, many rounds of aggravation, foursquare, rock climbing, and lots of texting later, David finally asked me out on a date. Like a real, official date. As in "I will pick you up at a specific time and we will go do something that I planned and then I will drop you off at the end of the night" kind of date.  We hadn't done one of those yet, so this was kind of a big deal. I think up until this point we were both still coming to terms with the fact that our own individual plans for the future, where both of us were not going to date or get serious with someone until we had x,y,and z finished, started going up in smoke as soon as I said "hellooo". So once we each got over that...David picked me up and we headed to the Drive-In.
On the way out there, I still remember exactly where we were- we just got off the highway at Rancho and waiting for the light, the song "Falling For You" came on the radio. It was Colbie Caillat's brand new single, and I had only heard it a time or two before. But I recognized the beginning of the song right away, and excitedly turned the volume up while saying, "I love this song!!! Have you heard it yet??" David smiled the whole time, and when the song was over, he said that he had heard it a few times and that he really, really liked it. 
The movie Up! had just come out, and having already seen it once and loving it soo so much, I got to see it again! along with another movie... it was double feature night. David borrowed Grandpa's truck and had it padded down with a mattress and blankets and pillows. I brought water and snacks. We got the radio dialed in to the station, rolled down the windows, turned up the volume, and got comfy in the bed of the truck. Note- even when the sun sets, the temperatures still linger around 95-100, so it's hard to snuggle down in a blanket and get comfy cozy. So when I say we got comfy, I mean that the cooler was very close, and personal space is not breached. If it is, it makes for a sweaty situation.
So the movie starts, and David begins to realize that I'm not crazy and that it really is a great movie! I can't remember how far into the movie it was when David leaned over to me, looked me in the eyes, looked down at my hand, looked back at me and asked if he could hold my hand. I'm not a very tactful person sometimes, and I laughed right in his face. That sounds awful, let me clarify: I sweetly giggled and told him that he didn't need to ask while surrendering my hand to his.
whabam! It finally happened! David finally made a move!
And we sat there and enjoyed the rest of the movie, content to just be with each other and holding hands. This is probably when I fell in love with David's hands! Seriously. I have a thing for his hands. They're a man's hands. Tanned, strong and calloused with years of hard work. But so gentle and full of love. To this day I love how my hands feel when they're nestled in his. 
We loaded up and headed home when the movies were over, and David laughed while I rocked out to every song that came on the radio. He thinks I got some sweet dance moves.
I made it home safe and sound and fell asleep while texting my sweet gentleman.

Hash House A-Go-Go

A few weekends ago after dropping my parents off at the airport, we went to Hash House for breakfast. 
I can't remember the name of the plate we shared...Andy's...something or other. It was on Man vs. Food. and it was huge. and it was delicious.
layer of grilled hash (potatoes), layer of spinach, layer of tomato, layer of chicken, layer of egg, layer of grilled mozzarella, all covered in a creamy chipotle sauce. I probably forgot a layer or two.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


While working on a little sewing project in Mom's sewing room a few weeks ago, Spencer came in and asked if he could play a game on my phone. 
Before I could get the game going, he noticed Nonnie's glasses on the sewing machine and asked me what they were. 
I explained to him that Nonnie uses these glasses to help her see better when she sews. And then I had him try them out. 
He even let me take a picture!
And then he decided he wanted to take pictures.
PhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket
the end.

Memorial Day

We celebrated by having a dejunk day. We worked all day to get rid of things we don't need/use. Packed up winter coats. Threw hunks of junk in the trash. And then made a stop at the goodwill donation center at Kmart with two trash bags of stuff. 
ahhhh. I love dejunking. 
And then we went up to the hills to perfect our sharp-shooting skills.
And then, naturally, we went to a family party. 
The end.

Mary Poppins

So my mom is super awesome and bought a bunch of tickets for Mary Poppins when they troupe came to perform at the newly opened Smith Center in Vegas.
She loaded up the car with a lot of lovely ladies, and we had a fine time.
Here's the one picture I have. humunuh.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Another semester bites the dust

At the middle of May we both completed yet another semester of school. 
I had 15 credits and 25 piano students.
David had 10 credits and worked 40 hours a week. 
We rarely saw each other. The rare occasion that we were both home at the same time, we were both working on homework.
Oh what exciting lives we live! 
We weren't sad at all when we packed up our books from the semester:
I'm done with school for the time being. 4 years and 3 schools to get an Associate's Degree- I don't recommend this academic path to anyone, everrrr. David is already back in school mode and is taking two, 3-credit, classes for 6 weeks, and then another 6-week long 3-credit class after this first 6-week session. 9 credits total for the summer, while still working full-time. He is also the Webelos leader for our ward and does an awesome job. The boys love him; who doesn't? 
Come August David will be done with school and work!!!!! He is counting down the days. But not because he'll be done with school for the summer as well as work. David has a huge fountain of luck and somehow managed to draw a deer tag, AGAIN- without any bonus points. It's for the archery hunt, which starts in August. So on top of working, and Scouts, and getting school taken care of, he's also in the backyard almost every day shooting his bow. August can't come soon enough!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mother's Day

David and some of his favorite girls.
I made that cute lil' thing at a craft night a few weeks before and was so excited for Mama to open it because I knew she would love it as much as I did!

When she first opened it! Later she insisted we get some pictures of us with her (see above).
My mother and I, of course, failed to get a photo. But we love her lots too and got her some shaweeet coconut oil. I'm a huge fan of coconut oil, and I love sharing my favorite finds. I think I'm finally not as shocked anymore when I realize how much like my mother I've become. It's a funny ol' world. And how lucky am I to have a mother-in-law who I love to bits and get along so well with?

Family Night at 51s game

That one time when we tried to take a family picture and everyone, even the 1-year-old, was looking at the camera...except me. I guess I just couldn't take my eyes of the game.
oh we're wearing our hats backwards? sideways? are we flashing signs??
Ch! Do you hear your mother??
Did you see her gang signs???

That other time we went to Panaca with Shelly and kids...

Photography by Lydia
So way back in May, we had another quick trip to Panaca. Shelly was doing another Norwex party out there. Chris had to work and Shelly needed help watching the kiddos while she introduced more Lincoln Countyians to the wonders of Norwex.
photography by Lydia
photography by Lydia

Found a frog in the yard!!!! Boys couldn't be happier
Even Shelly got a hold of the jumper. No fear!

climbing in cathedral gorge.
go Mom!!!

The Disneyland photos that got left out

I think that's everything from this trip...who knows, maybe I'll find more...
I don't recall having this infamous backdrop for a disneyland photo before, so this was on my disneyland bucket list.
I stopped myself right as I landed from leaping into this box, with chocolate covered frozen banana in hand, David snapped a photo, and then ran back out so that the people waiting in line (that were fumbling with cameras and who was going to stand how) wouldn't notice that we jumped ahead of them.
I might have been 1% less accurate, but I still had the better score- whabam! The Midway Mania line was definitely worth the wait!
Waiting for our spin on the tea cups!
Birthday girl!!!!

Photo testing...

I'm finally getting around to exploring other options of putting photos on the blog without having to pay for storage space...I think it worked...

Picture taken Christmas 2009 in Panaca. 
We got into a bit of a snow fight on our way back to the house from a run to the spring. As evidenced by the white on my red beanie, David won.