Monday, April 9, 2012

Last weekend in March

These guys happened to be in the same part of the state as us, so we met up with them to do some fishin'.
David totally beat me this time. David- 4 with a ton of hits; Giulia- 0. Firsts for everything! ;)
David got a normal sized trout for this lake; a small one; a baby one; and a huge mama!
The boys each got one and were so excited! It was fun to watch and help them out. They both know how to cast really well, regardless of their age. Spencer sat next to me for a bit and each time I cast out really far, he'd assure me that I would get a fish.
They swore that it was their lucky fishing vest that worked the magic. So after Logan got his fish, Spencer got one first, they handed it to me to put on so I could catch one too. So sweet. As I'm squeezing myself into this fishing vest made for toddlers while wearing a bulky hoodie sweatshirt, Spencer looked up at me and said with all seriousness, "That fits you really dood." And then went along his merry way as I tried to maneuver a fishing pole while feeling like I was in a straight jacket.
The rest of the time was spent hanging with family and watching general conference. Oh and, Nessie hosted a Norwex party! yeehaw!
General conference weekend in Panaca was great! There are always good times and good food to be had in P-Town. 
And then we got home and I watered my babies:

1 comment :

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

I miss the little ones! Good to hear that they're getting better at sharing. :) SO FUN!