Wednesday, August 1, 2012


While David was out in the mountains this weekend doing some scouting, I stayed home due to prior commitments ( I was the hairdresser for the ladies of a wedding party. It was super fun! I was working on heads of hair from 8-1 and it got me thinking about what if this was my full-time job? hmm...). Anyway...Saturday night I had dinner over at Rob and Liz's- a home I was at ALL THE TIME growing up. At one point, Liz told the story of how we went to the mall when the highly anticipated fancy sports store opened (Dick's now, I can't remember what it was called then). Back then they always had the indoor rock climbing wall staffed and open to climb (not anymore). Courtney and I had never rock climbed before and of course Liz said yes when we asked if we could climb it. But then we got slammed with paperwork. If you were under 18, you had to have a parent/guardian sign the permit. for that afternoon I was Giulia Robbins. I think we were 8 or 9 years old. Who would have I guessed that this would actually be my name one day??? And as Liz pointed out to Courtney at my Bridal Shower- my name is going to be Robbins for longer than hers has been. Funny how things work out...


LiNdSeY said...

Hahaha.... Loved this post so much!! I still remember that day you were Giulia Robbins! And now you really are! :) Love ya!

Courtney said...

Remembering that day of rock climbing made me laugh so hard! Those were some good times. (and I'm glad you're a Robbins now...and that my last name didn't change too much) :) I miss you!!