Tuesday, February 28, 2012


A few random things that I've been wanting to write down: 
A few weeks ago as I grabbed a quick bite to eat at home, the tv was on and "Ellen" happened to be playing. I guess she does a weekly "Clumsy Thumbsy" segment that showcases the best submissions for texting auto-correct failures. Watching this reminded me of some pretty good ones that we've experienced over here.
The latest:
Giulia- just finished my paper! yay!
David- wood wilt soot :)
David- Hehe that was supposed to be woot wooot woooot. 
David- I LOVE YOU!!!!! So this morning I can't stop smiling. And I realized why is because all my farts are about you. [he then goes on with a texting version of a love letter. It was an extremely sweet little note to wake up to at 6:12 a.m.]
Giulia- Wow. That was a nice lone note to wake up to. I love you too! P.s. you forgot to mention that I'm your favorite cook. :) ...and I don't know if you meant to say this....but you should reread what you sent, especially the 3rd sentence. I guess the word you used makes sense [I did cook some dang good chili the night before]. haha
David- Ha ha ha. OOOOOppppsss. Farts was suppose to be thoughts. :)
babysitting Sabey one night more than a few weeks ago
Giulia- We're going to the movies!
Megan- Sweet. Which one?
Giulia- Pissed in Boots! Don't know why but David's been wanting to watch it. 
Giulia- ah! PUSS. Puss in boots. 
Megan- hahahaha. auto-correct fail. 
Those keep making me laugh so I figured I'd put 'em up on this here blog to continue my enjoyment in the future. 
Speaking of the blog, I finally ordered my "blog book" of my giu-sto blog. It came about a week and a half ago and I love it! It also reminded me why I actually do the whole blog thing: simply to chronicle our life. I don't take pictures just so I can blog. And I don't blog just to make myself take pictures. If we're out and about and I happen to think to snap a photo, I might blog about it just so David and I can better remember all the happenings and going ons about that photo. We could care less about how many followers and page hits/week our little domain of the web has. Although comments are super fun, we don't post hoping to get x amount of comments. This is not a place where we update the world about every.little.thing that is going on in our life. That's for our personal journals. I like to think of this as our photo album, but with more words. You've seen the photo albums with every pocket stuffed with a random picture and quick memo about where and when that photo was taken. Those family photo albums are what this blog is for us. [but with lots more words]
I imagine our children looking through our shelf of family blog books and being able to laugh and smile about how young Mom and Dad used to look (and oh my gosh look at mom's red hair!!!). But besides just getting a glimpse of what Mom and Dad's life looked like "way back when", they can read the stories that belong to the pictures as well; stories that will one day be all about them. 
This is also a place to jot down things that we don't want to forget, and that we feel is appropriate to be accessible to the world wide web. Like the above, random, Clumsy Thumbsy, or yesterday's thoughts on Sunday Services.
Because we are human, we {I} might sway in and out of this middle ground I've established, but I know that I'll always come back to this outline.
Remember that one time when I thought I would teach the world how to do their hair? Or I thought I was some sort of fashion blogger? I realized that there are plenty other blogs out there dedicated to things like that. And that truly, the only reason I blog is to have a place to write and safely store our memories. 
 now that I'm done with that shpeel that has been brewing for quite some time, here are some pictures of the jeep's dashboard strewn across the garage. 
The heater won't work. Not really a big deal what with the heated seats and living in a desert and all. The air flow itself is also a little sketchy. But D is determined to get to the bottom of it. Turns out, to fix the minor problem (something about doors in the vent system...what do I know? Oh, I know how to check the oil, change a tire, and drive stick. Basically, I know nothing.), the whole dash had to come out. With David's schedule, he's only able to work on his beloved Jeep every other day or so. Hopefully by the time he gets around to putting everything back, he remembers how all the wires are crossed and where all the screws go. Oy vey!
Oh and, Grandpa, we're real sorry that the steering wheel fell down right on your face. But I'll keep telling everyone that David punched you, just cause that version of the story is funnier. Love you!

1 comment :

Brianna. said...

Once I was trying to type Giulia and it came out Hitler... still confused on that one!