Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring is in the air.

Spring most definitely is in the air (while typing this I'm listening to chirps and whistles and koos of the birds), thus calling for a shift in wardrobes. Time to pack away coats and sweaters! 
Did some shopping yesterday and found some pieces that are perfect for Spring. Ashley emailed a coupon for a one-day-only sale at DownEast: 40% off all dresses and skirts. I'll take that, thank you! 
This facebook thread reminded me of a few thoughts I wanted to share from said shopping experience:

My purchases are inconsequential at this moment (because I'm sure you'll be seeing them in the future). However, any suggestions on brown flavored dresses for a wedding in May?
Anyway, back to the story.
The store was packed with Moms and big strollers and little kids (let's not comment on what that might suggest about my fashion choices). The store is tiny already with little elbow room as is. So any time I turned around to flip through a different rack, I was tripping over a small child or stroller. And would then back out and walk in circles until I could reach the rack my eyes were currently set on. 
I mentioned small children, yes? Well each of those children had a small meltdown at least once, and since the Mommies were busy looking at clothes, the small children got thoroughly ignored for 5 minutes until their crying broke Mommy's shopping concentration. During my first of two rounds in the dressing rooms, I was tempted to shout something like, "Hey, does anyone hear an upset toddler? Or is it just me?" After making my purchase I was beyond content to walk out of the store and enjoy my [quiet] ride home...dreaming of the day when I'll be one of those Moms! hahahahaha.
Now, having retold my shopping experience, I'm sure I've, what's the saying?- hit a nerve, with someone out there. But before you get all up in my face about "well you try shopping with 2-3 kids and see how good you can do it!" (did I not just say that I'll totally be that Mom in the store with a bunch of kids one day?) Let's understand something. I tell this story not to get a rouse out of you, but to simply say (ok, so this wasn't very simple. I get a tad wordy sometimes, sue me): We're happy with just the two of us right now.  :) 

Also, I'm currently loving CoverGirl's new! NaturalLuxe lip balm.
Much easier to use than lipstick and holds color longer than gloss by itself. 

Happy Friday people!!!

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