Finals countdown is in full force in our "basement studio".
David is working on a Psych paper.
I just finished a MicroBio project! Ya! (Well, I still need to print it. It's not even due until Wednesday. I finally finished something days before instead of staying up all night before its due. I should do this more often, it feels great! But you know what would feel even better? Not having an Organic/BioChem test on Monday. Yep, pretty sure I could live without taking that beast. However, I am excited to take the practical portion for Anat & Phys. I'm gonna rock it! [The theory part on Wednesday maybe not so much, but I should still do pretty good.] This turned into the longest parentheses insert ever) So that means a quick blogging break for me. Which brings me to the main part of this post:
This might be my main mode of transportation in a few weeks! woot woot! I'm so excited!
And maybe sometime I'll get around to tell the story for this picture:
back to studying....