Driving home from work we saw a bear!
Went down and visited Grandmama in Salt Lake. She loved feelin' the belly.
Took an evening drive to Packsaddle Lake.
We had a little weinie roast and then the boys fished and the girls took a little dip in the lake. It was lovely.
One day I showed David a picture of a bookcase made out of pallets. I said I wanted something like it for the living room, as we had sold our entertainment center that shelved all of our books in order to make room for baby in bedroom #2. The next day he gave me this!
And then he stained it and we brought it in and it looks fabulous! I love it!
He also made a bookshelf for baby's room. It is darling!
And then we bought this hunk of junk.
And David turned it into this beauty! It's in baby's room and will be used for dresser/changing table.
Our last shift at Henrys Lake!
We weren't catching anythingggg. And then right before we headed in, David brought up a big ol' cutthroat. It was great way to end our last night on the lake.
We also went huckleberry picking sometime in August and I have a picture of that....need to find and put up later. :)
Produce from my garden! I picked all of this before we headed south to share with family and friends in Henderson. Yum.
The yard looks 1000 times better than it did last summer. And look! We inherited a cute outdoor swing. The neighbor sold her house. When Chris and Shelly lived here, Chris built this swing for her. David saw her at the car dealership service center and she told him to go get the swing and put it in our yard. I love it!
After our last Henrys Lake shift, we packed up and headed for home the next day. We went down to Preston's football game Friday night (I don't know why we didn't take ANY pictures. Preston did awesome) and then spent a few days in Panaca. I hung out at the house and got my craft on while David was out elk hunting with his Dad.
The only pictures I have from my time in Panaca: Stretching after a run and sewing with pineapple blonde hair (we were mid-process of getting me back to my blonde).
As I was stretching and chatting with Grandmama (we were shocked to find that Grandmama was there visiting as well!), I heard giggling behind me. I turn around to see David and Nessie snapping photos of my behind. I didn't realize you could see my belly hanging down. But the funny part is the antler set that happened to be on the floor and I happened to line up my head inside them.
And then I made my way down to Henderson. I got to hang out and enjoy being back in my Mamma's kitchen. I think that's one of the things I miss most about being so far away from home. Mom always has something good in her fridge (like peaches'n'cream cake, have mercy!), and the right things on hand to whip up a tasty meal in no time.
While I was there we had a little baby shower. It was great to see family and friends again. Thank you, Felicia, and everyone else who helped put it together. And thank you, Liz, for letting us in your home! Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of the decorations, etc. It was all so cute! Oh well.
Ooh, but I did get a picture of this piece of art Felicia created.
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