Monday, August 26, 2013

Getting closer!

I'm not sure if I posted the finished mailbox/new post project in its completed state:
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Since taking the above photos, the grass has started to look green again....who wants to pay that water bill? ugh!

Our fridge decor, send us pictures and you could make it to the fridge too:
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Kitchen cabinets installed in the basement:
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The previous new tub that Dad bought for downstairs just wasn't working out. Plumbing problems, I don't know. So he had to get another new tub. And this one didn't come with the shower walls with nice corner shelves like the other/older new one, so we had to tile the walls. 
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Also, got the rest of the bathroom floor tiled, new toilet put in, new vanity/sink put in, and some awesome lighting! Seriously, that place is brighter than any room upstairs. Yes, tiny bathroom. Originally I believe the plan was to extend the bathroom wall (where the tub is) to provide a little more space. But I think the final verdict was that you spend more time in the kitchen, so more space in the kitchen is better than a little more space in the powder room. Or something like that.
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Kitchen countertops being cut and installed:
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When we left Saturday night, the sink was in, oh and all the appliances were delivered earlier in the week- brand new stove/oven and fridge.

As I was unpacking the boxes of stuff that we piled in the second bedroom, there was a box with a few photo albums inside. I couldn't resist looking at some of my old pictures and not sharing:
My 6th grade attempt at scrapbooking- notice the fancy cut corners and how neatly I labeled everyone...directly on the photo:
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Jenette and Giulia, summer '92
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Paige, Tabitha, Giulia, Erin- best dance ever at a family reunion:
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Jenette and Giulia's first time to Disneyland, 2002 I believe:
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Til' next time! ...whenever that may be. I only blog when we're at work waiting for boats. We don't have internet at the house in Rexburg....yet... And since this is our last shift for work, hooray!, I'm not sure when we'll have buzz again, or that we'll have anything terribly exciting to share anyway.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

More from August

Progress on the basement bathroom: got most of the plumbing kinks worked out, tub in, and walls sheet rocked, taped, and textured
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Living area all the way sheet rocked, taped, and textured:
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the ceiling also got retextured:
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More lights put in for kitchen area:
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UPstairs, took off the wall heaters that didn't work (found out they didn't work, after we painted, so we had to dismantle them, and pull out the paint again.):
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Got one closet worth of stuff unpacked:
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Our old bathroom curtain actually looks really good with creamy orange paint:
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David is crazy and loaded this piano on to the trailer by himself:
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Finally found our dangum tent! And, naturally, the entertainment center it was tucked away in was the very last thing we brought over to the house.
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On our drive to California with Chris and Shelly and kids, Spencer had my phone. When I got it back and looked through the pictures, I found some treasures. His pillowcase has lots of different comic book-esque characters all over it. He zoomed in and focused on his favorites. It made me giggle. Smart boy!
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Quick, funny story. We get to my parents Tuesday morning to meet up with our ride. The suburban is waiting in the drive, with everyone inside the house except Lydia...still just chillin' in her carseat. I open her door, and she gives a big a smile and says, "Giulia! You seat here okay?" Points to the seat next to her. "And David, you sit back there with the boys, okay?" "We watch movie! Cars!?" Points to the DVD player in front of her. Ahhh I die. She is too cute. 

Oh hey look, I managed to get two pictures while on the beach:
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After playing in the water, I put on my jacket and took a nap, face first, on the sand. I slept for about an hour, with the backs of my legs absorbing the sunshine the entire time. Ouch, ouch, ouch. My calves didn't burn because they're already pretty tanned out from being outside so much this summer. But my thighs don't see the light of day too often. Those babies got toasted. The next day they were red and painful. This week I've been peeling off several layers of skin a day.

Dog-pile on papa! Lydia started it, of course.
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One of the days, most of the ladies, and Dad as our escort and chauffeur, went to the L.A. fabric district. Oh my goodiness!!!! I could spend all day there. Sadly, we only had about 2 hours before we had to leave to go meet the guys and all the kids at the science center for the rest of the day.
I think all of us got a haul of fabric from the Michael Levine loft- all of the main stores leftover cuts or out of season fabrics. Fabric, fabric, fabric, piled into rows of boxes. Grab whatever you want, weigh, and pay. $2.50 per pound. I got ~ 10 lbs of fabric (~10 yards of lace, ~15 yards of jersey cotton and ~8 yards of yummy coral peach chiffon) for $30!
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On our way home from last shift, I spied a jack-o-lantern in the sky.
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Kitchen unpacked, and table unwrapped:
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After getting home from work David wasted no time in getting the basement painted and the wood floor down:
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Also, David hasn't cut his hair this summer. He has a lot of really nice hair:
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And that's all for now. Today is the last day of this shift. Dad is back up here, even came to Island Park last night to visit us. So with him around, we'll keep plenty busy finishing the basement when we get back. 
We're freaking out that it's already mid/end of August. This summer has flowwwwn by. Craziness.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Camera sweep

As mentioned a while ago, the battery on my camera died and the charger was in a box amongst a plethora of other boxes. After getting all of our stuff moved out of the Erickson's garage and thrown haphazardly into our place, we uncovered the magic box with the magic charger. And so, here is whatever I had on the camera. Ranging from the first of June to last weekend in California.

Basement lava rock, be gone!

Scraped off popcorn ceilings upstairs- nasty wood paneling in bedroom #1
Basement bathroom wall knocked out and basement bathroom general ugliness.

Upstairs ceilings textured; basement walls sheet rock. New tub for basement bathroom awaiting installation.

Top: basement bathroom ripped out
Bottom: upstairs living room getting primed

We like to fish! David's first time out with his waders and float tube.

 Sooo, we were able to get all of our stuff into the house Saturday night, August 3rd. We found what we needed to pack for our family reunion in California. Flew out of Idaho Falls Sunday morning, the 4th. Missed Liv's blessing in Henderson just barely (dang plane traffic on the runway!), visited and played with various Robbins family Sunday/Monday. Drove to Cali with Chris and Shelly and kids Tuesday. Flew from L.A. to IF  Friday night, the 9th. Packed and left for work and camped at Henry's Lake Friday night. Right now we are finishing up the shift we traded with another team (Sat, Sun, Mon-today) and will be back up here in 3 days for our regular shift. When we get back to the house we will need to: paint the the basement, put the flooring and baseboards in, and get carpet installed. We'll see if we can get that done, oh and unpack and organize all of our stuff upstairs too, before coming back to work Thursday night. Woo wee! Are you tired after reading that? 'Cause we are tired. Before heading south for the airport last week, I ran through the house and took pictures in its very messy and unpacked state. It looked the exact same when we got back Friday night. Darn! Well, I guess that's good, because there weren't any break-ins or robberies. But I was really hoping some magic fairy stopped by to unpack and organize and decorate.

*All of the pictures are in a really low quality form right now- much easier and faster to upload so many at once to el blog-o. *
 Kitchen before and after. Hard to see, but the old cabinets are green! And where the fridge sits now is where the pantry used to be.

 shelves (that will be spruced up a bit) above laundry, living room entrance, hallway, bathroom, living room, bedroom

In Henderson, I had my camera out browsing through the photos, and Roslyn climbs up to me and says, "Pichar?? Cheese!" 

The L.A. temple is huge! And has the coolest visitor's center. You should go. :)

Playing inside the California Science Center
 Can we lift a truck? Yes, we can! Fulcrums and leverage.

Children. Spencer was always wanting to play with and love on Azalia. 

Annnd that's all for now, folks!