Thursday, July 22, 2010

Blood Typing. And internal thoughts.

Ohhhhhhh negative. O-. That's me. Or, it's what is pumped through me.
This is my blood. Mixed with anti-bodies of A and B blood. (typing performed in a Bio Lab last week. The first "real" lab we've done. All the others have been silly, dumbed down junior high ones. grr.)

See how it looks like broth? No clumping? That means I don't have any anti-bodies to 'clump' with the other blood types. It also means that I get called from the Red Cross and United Blood Services ALL THE TIME. And I have the scar to prove it. (Actually, the scar is mostly likely from plasma "donations" in Provo. Say what you will about selling your body. It was my only income source for 4 months! Oh yikes that sounds promiscuous...moving on...)
For years I've wondered if "they" did my blood typing wrong. If my blood type actually is O+. Don't get me wrong, being O- is great. I can give my red blood cells to anyone (O- doesn't have any anti-bodies on it, therefore other blood types won't attack/reject it)! How cool is that? Being an O has it drawbacks though. What if I'm in some sort of accident and I need lots of blood and the hospital has everything except O??? I would be SOL. For you see, O is the universal donor, but it is doesn't like any other blood in the system but its own. fui.
Okay, okay, okay. So I'm not actually worried about that, per se. I just have always secretly wished I had the (+) Rh factor instead of the (-). Especially after founding out that the hubby is a B+. (Actually. I can't remember if it is B+ now that I think about it. I'll have to double check. But for this writing purpose I'll continue assuming it's B+.) What's the problem with that you say? Since he's a positive and I'm a negative, our babies are sure to have a (+) in their blood. What's wrong with that you say? My blood isn't going to get along with baby's blood, to say the least. :( Sorry future babies. Thank goodness for modern technology and Rh factor shots, can be seen in the picture above: No clumping in the Rh test well. Meaning negative. O-.
Class dismissed. :)

Hopefully O- is not a reflection of my personality. :)

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